Let's say the backup destination is a network device that is addressed with Z:/mime/antbackup . And we want to save the files in C:/project/sample/ and C:/project/sample/ . We adapt the installed build file backup.xml accordingly:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Backup" default="backup" basedir=".">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="backupDir" value="Z:/mime/antbackup" />
<taskdef name="archive" classname="org.qedeq.tools.ant.Archive" classpath="classes" />
<target name="backup">
<archive destdir="${backupDir}">
<fileset dir="C:/project/sample/" defaultexcludes="no" />
<fileset dir="C:/tools/" defaultexcludes="no" />
Now we start the batch file backup.bat , to get our first backup. (Analogous procedure with the unix script backup.sh .) If any file to backup is still read locked, the whole backup will fail. Maybe some file in C:/project/sample/ is not readable then the backup fails, so nothing of C:/tools is saved.
If you want to make independent backups you have to make several build scripts (or targets) you call independently.
To specify more than just a directory to backup but to filter the files you should take a look at ant.apache.org. E.g. if you add the following lines to the backup.xml file C:/project/sample2 is also saved, but all class files are omitted:
<fileset dir="C:/project/sample2/" defaultexcludes="no">
<exclude name="**/*.class"/>
How is the resulting backup organized? After a successfull first backup Z:/mime/antbackup has a new directory for example 20050531T180137 and within the subdirectories sample and tools .
These directories should be exact copies of the directories C:/project/sample and C:/tools . Even file timestamp and attributes should be the same - as good as Ant is able to do it with it's Copy task.